[PyGreSQL] Newbie Questions

Charlie Dyson charlie at charliedyson.net
Fri Sep 10 06:09:00 EDT 2004

On Fri, 2004-09-10 at 08:09, Ms Soo Chong wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm a current final year Uni student working on a
> web browser that is able to perform a search on a
> postgresql table (which is up and running) and
> display the results. I'm working on a linux machine
> using python and pg module. I'm very new to
> programming but willing to learn so it will be very
> nice if anyone can give me a hand by showing me some
> relevant example that perform similar purposes as mine.
> Currently, I'm able to perform a simple query
> through the browser by providing a textbox which
> allows user to key in the query and display the
> result in a dict form. However, I need to do far
> more than that, I wish to design a browser that have
> some radiobuttons where users are able to select one
> or more buttons and enter their keywords in a
> textbox, and my script then perform a search
> according to the input and display it.
> I hope someone is getting what I'm trying to say and
> is able to help me.
> Thank you for any help, it is greatly appreciated.
> Cheers
> Shufen
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On a non-PyGreSQL note - could you not just process the query, and then
filter it through a function that will turn it into some HTML that your
rendering engine (Gecko?) can display, complete with buttons and
textboxes and suchlike for changing the ordering, performing new
queries, etc? Could even work as a plugin to Mozilla or Firefox,
presumably (never written one, but it sounds plausible). Your buttons
could work by registering a new protocol, which they can target. A URL
(URI?) might look like "pgsql://SELECT * FROM my_table" - your buttons,
links, etc can target URLs like that.

Hope this helps,

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	charlie at charlie dyson dot net
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