[PyGreSQL] Please advice me

Ms Soo Chong s4046441 at student.uq.edu.au
Sat Sep 25 15:02:37 EDT 2004

Hi all,

Can anyone please help me to go thru the attached files. They are quite similar and intend to serve the same purpose.
I know that they are wrong but I just wanna to show my idea of approaching and I don't know the correct way of coding it, thus I need someone to guide me thru. I hope there is someone who understand what I trying to put across... though is very crappy.

Details: (the simplest case I can think of)I wanna a web page that show a radio button named shot number and a textarea. When the user select the radio button and type a number in the textarea and press search, my python program process it by sending the query to the PostgreSQL database and response by displaying the results back to the web browser.

Thanks for any help.

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